About Us
Greetings Fellow Cardinals,
It is with great pride and enthusiasm I welcome you to Eunice High School. The staff of Eunice High School and I are thrilled to join you in another Cardinal Strong year. I am so very proud to be a lifelong Cardinal. It is our goal as faculty and staff to work hard to preserve the past, provide high-quality relevant experiences in the present all while preparing our students for a future that is increasingly complex and uncertain.
Parents and students are invited to participate in numerous activities at Eunice High School. I challenge each class to choose a community service project that will specifically impact our community in a positive way. The students, faculty and administrators are all leaders. We aim to hold ourselves to high standards with confidence and always put our best selves forward. We strive to be exemplary mentors for the young people of our school district who will follow in our footsteps knowing that “Someone is always watching.”
Tracy Davis
Eunice High School